Coming to Family Weekend?
3 min readOct 23, 2018
It’s been seven weeks since you dropped your student off at move-in. Time flies right? Here are some suggestions on how to spend some quality time with them, both on the #mostbeautifulcampus and around the area!
The New Garfield Avenue
Construction is complete! Take a walk up and down the Chippewa River and check out the newest additions to our campus mall!
What we have planned on campus for you:
Friday, November 2:
- 5:30 a.m. — 10 p.m. FREE open gym in Mcphee Center
- 12 p.m. — 5 p.m. Environmental Adventure Center has student rate rentals for everyone
- 7 p.m. Women’s Hockey Game vs. Bethel Hill (FREE for students and siblings, half priced for parents)
- 8 p.m. Open Mic night FREE in The Cabin in Davies
- 8 p.m. Amp Quiz Team Trivia FREE in The Lookout in Hilltop Center
Saturday, November 3:
- 1 p.m. Football Game vs. UW-Oshkosh (FREE for students and their siblings, $8 for parents)
- 3–6 p.m. Upperclassman Housing Tours (FREE in Chancellors, Aspenson-Mogensen, and Haymarket Landing)
- 6 p.m. Women’s Hockey vs. Bethel University (FREE for students and their siblings, half priced for parents)
- 8 p.m. Live Music: Olive Sings (FREE in The Cabin in Davies)
Sunday, November 4:
- 2–4 p.m. Two to Tango Dance Lesson in the Mcphee Dance Studio
What you could do in the city of Eau Claire:
- Pick some apples at Fergusons Orchards, Leffel Roots Apple Orchard, Bushel & A Peck Market
- Grab lunch or dinner at The Acoustic Cafe, The Informalist, The Livery, or any restaurant in the area.
- Catch a show at the new Pablo Center at the Confluence!
- Take in the #uwecfall sights at Big Falls or climb to the top of Mt. Simon Park before all the leaves are gone!
- Grab a cup of coffee at Racy’s, ECDC, Shift Cyclery & Coffee Bar, or The Goat.
- Grab breakfast or brunch at The Nucleus on Water Street.
See you there!
Friday, November 2 through Sunday, November 4.