From one Blugold to another: 10 pieces of advice
Welcome to your new chapter! If you’re anything like me, your college experience will feel like it goes by in the blink of an eye. You’ll be sitting here as a senior nearing graduation, reflecting on all that was stuffed into those few quick years. After my own bittersweet reflection, I’d like to share a few pieces of advice I wish I would have known coming in as a new Blugold.
1. Introduce yourself to people around you
There is so much to learn from the people around you! I know that nerves can get the best of you when you first step onto campus and into your new dorm room. Know that everyone is feeling a level of nervous, so it’s cool to take that initial step out of your way to get to know somebody. They’ll appreciate it. Just don’t let the nervous energy stop you from making connections. You’ll kick yourself later! Blugolds are all awesome!
2. Plan your days and stay organized
It can be fun to get caught up in the flow of everything, but time management is SO important. Make sure you’re balancing classwork, part-time jobs, student org meetings, and don’t forget to find time for yourself. It’s healthy to set aside time to breathe and recharge. Whether you take a nap, a short walk, or watch a few episodes of your favorite Netflix show, just remember to practice self care. Plus, it’s fun to check off boxes in your planner.
3. Visit office hours!!!
My biggest regret was not being more comfortable asking for help my freshman year. I avoided my professors at all costs. I wish I would have known better that they WANT you to be successful, and most are willing to set aside time in their day to help you out. It’s OK to ask for help. Even if you think your question about that assignment or test is small, ASK! You’ll feel better that you did. Plus, you’ll make a great connection along the way.
4. Join a new organization
Here’s a challenge: go to Blu’s Organizations Bash and sign-up to receive information on a ton of organizations. Attend a meeting for one that you think is WAY out of your comfort zone… something you wouldn’t normally go to. There’s so much to learn from other students and their interests, not to mention you might meet your future best friend and keep going back.
5. Don’t know what you want to do? That’s OK.
You might change your major a few times. That’s normal. In college, you’ll learn and keep learning more about yourself every. single. day. And please listen: DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF to other students. Everyone’s path is different. Try out some unique classes if you can. It might lead you down a cool career path you didn’t see coming!
6. Go to events. Take the freebies.
The first few weeks of school, you’ll find that there’s an event going on nearly every day. Check out those events. Usually, there will be a chance for you to meet new people or try a new activity. The best part of these events? There there will likely be free food, snacks, or swag. Go ahead, take that free chip clip. It will definitely come in handy in the dorms:)
7. Winter break will feel long
When winter break is in sight, it’ll be cold and you’ll be excited to recharge at home over the holidays. However, after a few days pass, you’ll find yourself missing your home at UWEC. Make sure to spend time with your friends before leaving. Break is longer than you were used to in high school and it’ll be awhile until you get to spend time with your UWEC crew again.
P.S. when you get back to campus, it’ll be just as cold as you left it. Woof.
8. Keep in touch with your family
While we’re talking about home, don’t forget to call every once in a while. Those people are probably a great support system and your biggest fans. I didn’t do that enough when I was a freshman.
9. Mix up study spots
There are so many different places to sit down and fully focus. If you’re anything like me, you’ll enjoy mixing it up every now and again. Try visiting the 3rd floor of the library, it’s fairly quiet up there. Or find a table on the 2nd floor of Centennial, the views of outside are refreshing. Need a cup of coffee to get you through that paper? Set up shop in The Cabin in Davies. Heck if it’s nice outside, head to the campus mall and get some fresh air while you’re working. There are so many possibilities, find one that works best for you! I’m still finding new study spots as a senior.
10. Be comfortable being uncomfortable
You only have a few years here. I hate to say it, but they’re going to fly by way too fast. As sad as that is, you can be happy knowing that these years are going to be filled with nothing but great opportunities to better yourself in every way. Don’t waste any time in your comfort zone. Being a Blugold is going to be fun and you’re going to grow. Good luck out there!